Methods of Inquiry Blog Post #1 Problem Statement~

Problem Statement

Individuals experiencing 'phase of life' transitions lack tools to maintain satisfaction with human connection. ( I am working on a more specific context for a group of individuals but are not sure just yet who that will be).

Statement of Evidence of the Problem

August (2011) conducted a longitudinal study identifying and comparing themes of meaning and satisfaction during life transition. This data was used to highlight how contextual changes of family, friends and circumstances effect women a the stage of retirement. Life satisfaction was determined by contextual factors such as sense of accomplishment and loss or relief.
In another study, happiness was assessed with a daily diary and a questionnaire. A seven-item scale was used to validate and measure happiness. The research indicated that longing for happiness may actually reduce happiness and therefore, lead to a lessor sense of well-being and ultimately, loneliness (Mauss et al., 2012).
Research conducted by including professional women during the transition of retirement noted that 'human connection' to strategizing for retirement planning was vital. Several factors that involved human connection in this study were warmth, understanding, sense of caring and approachability. They represented human connection as signifying effective communication (Thompson, Sharpe, & Hamilton, 1998).


  1. Great job Shari! Start with The problem to be addressed in this study is... to ensure it jumps out at the reader (i.e., so someone can easily find the problem statement). I'm struggling a bit with the ending... "satisfaction with human connection". There is nothing wrong with it per se, but it's nagging at me and I'm not sure why. :)

  2. I will start with the problem to be addressed in the study and it makes sense that it grabs the attention of the reader. I hear what you are saying about the ending. I will search different word choices and that will help me with key words I may be able to use when searching for research articles. One of the reasons I originally used the phrase 'human connection' is because emotional connection can be obtained and maintained with animals. I will continue to explore options.

  3. Some of my searching has led me to a few other phrases that I am using to investigate research. They are: emotional connection
    personal relationships (maintain)
    social participation
    main relationships
    reciprocal relationships

    Another concern I am having is about narrowing my topic. I like the broadness of it but I was working with one of the librarians and she mentioned that I might want to narrow down some of the contextual pieces. I do not want to but am open to think more critically about it. Some of this could be solved when I know more specifically who my research audience will be but I am not sure of that at this time. I could get more specific about the type of transition or change a number of other things but I would like to settle this so I can focus on the next phase more fully. I am still working on the 'satisfaction with human connection' piece. So far I am not sold on any of the options I have played with. I do not want to use some of the phrases that, in my opinion, are over used. That does not mean I am satisfied (lol) with this phrase, only that I have not yet found what I am looking for.

    1. ok. :) I don't have a problem with the broadness right now. Have you reached out to Dr Pann for her guidance? I highly recommend you do so ASAP! She might have recommendations for word choice, populations, and narrowing the scope. I like maintain satisfaction with personal relationships OR what about Individuals experiencing 'phase of life' transitions lack tools to remain connected with family and friends (or remain connected with significant individuals in their lives)... The research audience will be the broad group of individuals who will benefit from your study; those experiencing phase of life transitions and their family and friends would definitely be part of this audience.

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