Blog # 4 Chapter 5 or 6 Activities

Blog Post #4 Activities for Chapter 5

  1. I choose a quantitative research article for this activity. It researched opiods and social bonding while studying naltrexone and its reduction of feelings of social connection. Some of the characteristics of the report that led me to believe that it is an example of quantitative research were the use of words such as, "statistical analysis", "theory", "hypothesis", and "data". 
  2. This study is experimental because data is taken and measured in a laboratory. 
  3. The study is experimental and set up as a double-blind study 
  4. Experimental.
  5. The types of measures used were a scale to rate feelings of social connectedness, a daily diary and statistical analysis. I believe that the researcher provided enough information for me to respect their adequacy for use in this experiment. I also think that double-blind studies are more valid and reliable (if they truly are double-blind).
  6. Participants were recruited via flyers. They underwent a physical exam. Then a patient health questionnaire was also collected to gauge mental health. A urine drug test was done to detect opiates and amphetamines. Other criteria to be included in the research was that the participant needed to be in good health, between 18-35 years of age and fluent in English. After screening 50 individuals, 37 were enrolled. 
  7. The researchers describe the demographics minimally. The participants are in good physical and mental health, between 18-35 years of age and fluent in the English language. It is this author's opinion that more demographics could be plotted and discussed.
  8. The researchers noted a main effect of the experiment, where participants reported significantly higher levels of social connection and positive affect apart from Naltrexone. Naltrexone was found to reduce feelings of social connection both in the lab and in day-to-day reports. In my opinion, these findings are significant and of practical importance because this type of research bridges some of the gap between physiological health (brain chemistry) and psychological health. 
  9. This research does not boldly discuss limitations but does include some subtle notes that should not be overlooked. It would have been more beneficial if there was a specific portion for this to be examined more clearly. One idea that was touched on was looking at current research that includes naltrexone and how it effects feelings of connection as compared to general feelings of positivity.
  10.  I could understand much of this article from a social science perspective but some of the physical science was more difficult for me to grasp. I think it is valuable as research but could see it being written in a more "user friendly" format. 


  1. Hi Shari,

    I think it is interesting that you found an experimental example, because as I was reading over the chapter it mentioned that this would be an option that changes or alters the behavior of those being studied. Therefore, the experimental studies seem to be a lot more in depth, technical, and with lots of observation. I was also trying to understand the differences between the studies presented in the reading so as to figure out the best measurement for my topic. I also chose Chapter 5 and found the activities to be quite helpful: Listed on our team home page, under Dr. Gunter's Blog 4 or the direct link is -

    Thank you for sharing,

    Niki Lennon

    1. Hi Niki,
      So glad to hear from you and find you! I'll see you there!

  2. Hi Shari,
    Studies like you found seem to lend themselves to experimental quantitative research. I agree that double blind studies seem to offer more validity if the instruments are reliable. You did a great job finding the key words in the article to distinguish the quantitative type of research.

    1. Hi Keri,
      I felt lucky to finally really understand the article I selected after I read it about five times and looked up several words. I'm glad to know I am not alone. Some of this material is challenging but it seems like we are starting to get it! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Cybele,
    It makes me wonder about which design is "more work"? In a way it could be time consuming to do all the exams and yet, the idea of discerning all the interviews or getting the themes organized could be lengthy too. I'm not sure if there is an easy answer here. The answer is probably found after the research is done -HaHa. Thanks for sharing!


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