Blog Post #2   A Novice's Review

Literature Review A 
A. Have the reviewers clearly identified the topic of the review? Have they indicated its delimitations? (For instance, is it limited to a certain type of individual or certain period of time? Does it deal only with certain aspects of the problem?
The reviewers clearly identify the topic and specify the limitations by defining that the topic "among college students" and gender differences were also examined with regard to results. The body outlines more information to clarify different types of bullying, the prevalence rates and touches on coping methods to deal with the problem. The review is substantial but there is more information available on coping methods for cyber-bullying, however the writers may have felt that they have made their point.

B. Have the reviewers written a cohesive essay that guides you through the literature from subtopic to subtopic? Explain.
The reviewers have written a cohesive essay in that short examples are given first while the topic is then explained in more detail. For instance, in defining traditional bullying and contrasting it with cyber-bullying, this is explained in a few sentences. Then each of these subtopics are explained more thoroughly and several examples are given.

C. Have the reviewers interpreted and critiqued the literature, or have they merely summarized it?
The reviewers have interpreted and critiqued the literature researched and this can be seen with the extensive comparing and contrasting information as well as noting weak areas of study or lack of information. For instance, it was noted that to date there is little research examining the college population with regards to cyber-bullying, but they examined and expounded upon the research available.

D. Overall, do you think that the reviewers make an important contribution to knowledge through their synthesis of the literature? Explain.
The reviewers made important contributions by exposing limited research on the topic. It was also beneficial that the topic was defined and outlined, exposing a problem while giving positive information to support and aid in changing the problem, hoping for a more positive outcome.

Galvin, Jose L. (2017). Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York, NY: Routledge.


  1. Hi Shari,
    I appreciate how you point out that there is much more information available about coping with cyberbullying that the reviewers did not mention. I wonder if they didn't focus on it because of the specific age range they were targeting and how most research was on earlier age ranges, or if their true focus was more on the prevalence and they just mentioned the coping and impact to appear more well rounded on the subject.

    They did seem to make their point that the literature doesn't focus much on the specific age range of college students, especially those here in the United States.


    1. Hi Keri,
      Yes, I realized after a bit that the coping was not the focus of the research so I think that they accomplished what they set out to as the goal before them. This made me realize again that I have to separate my prejudices and compartmentalize when reading and writing. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Cybele,
    Yes, they did synthesize the information available and they noted that more study should be done. Our culture is shifting and more people are going back to school at different seasons so the age range is difficult to clarify.


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