Blog Post # 5 Chapter 11 Activity 2

In considering my first draft of my literature review, I am a bit nervous and excited. In comparing my first draft with my topic outline, I have had to make a few changes. Much of it still flows but I had to add a few new research articles and leave out at least one. This does not take away from the path of the argument and in fact, it adds to it. However, it does take a considerable amount of time but I think it is worth it to get a more valid and reliable review.

When I am moving to the next category I am using heading changes. With the different heading changes the reader will be able to more easily follow the thought and topic pattern. I am also being mindful of transitional sentences that allow the smooth flow of information or thought into the next paragraph. For me, this part (connecting) is important and can make or break whether or not the reader consistently grasps and builds on the idea or information that is being presented.

When I am reading other source material, I have found this helpful and hope to practice this skill and use it in my writing. If I spend time reviewing the literature but my thoughts are scattered and the writing disorganized, that will be a waste of time. I have be using some of the helpful PINS I grabbed when we made our boards to help me with this. Also, my concept map has been a key to organizing the material but I have changed it now a few times but I am getting closer to where I think it should be in terms of organizing the material. Either way, I have to say, organization makes my day! LOL!

Shari :-)


  1. Hi Shari,

    I agree with you as I have noticed that the more in depth I get into to specific literature located, the overall content appears to support my topic, however, the actual study conducted is different from my intended topic. This caused me to write that the information was not really helpful or useful and needed to be discarded from my intended topic. You make a great point in reference to making sure the reader is able to follow your study and understand the intended material.

    I really enjoyed reading your comments, thank you for sharing!

    Take care and my post address for blog 5 is listed under group discussion page Dr. Reeves #5:

    Take Care,
    Niki Lennon

  2. Hi Shari,

    Sounds like you are just moving right along. I agree with your closing statement that organization makes your day. It makes mine too! Having the information listed, in different folders that correspond to the bubbles on the concept map all makes it easier to connect.

    When I was doing my initial research, I found what I thought were some good articles, at least through the cursory skimming, but when I was working on the annotated bibliography, I realized they weren't the articles I was really needed. So that sent me back to the databases. I could spend hours on end researching and reading, but I have to stop and write! I hope my writing is smooth from study to study and topic to topic. As many literature reviews as we are having to read we should be getting pretty savvy at detecting good ones and knowing what qualities keep our attention and how we want to incorporate them into our own writing.

    Keep up the good researching and writing!


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